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Swiftevents organises business networking events and specialises in speed networking. Speed networking is a highly effective way to gain new business contacts. You get to meet up to 30 other business people in one evening. We organize regular events in upmarket venues in Richmond, London.Our customers are from different business backgrounds, ranging from small business owners to representatives of large corporate organisations.

Seek new clients, suppliers or change your career, and further your business with speed networking!
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speed networking experience
speed networking experience

"...thought the concept was completely brilliant. Would certainly go again" Tony Bright, The Elvetham
"Made lost of new business contacts... very enjoyable event" Robert Chapman, Islington Business Centre

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© 2006-2024 Swiftevents - Swiftevents is a trading name of Universal Meetings Ltd.
Speed networking, the most efficient way to increase your contacts.



Speed Networking
Speed networking is the innovative, most effective way to gain new business contacts. Swiftevents’ first speed networking event was held in conjunction with the North Hampshire Chamber of Commerce in May 2005. This speed networking event was a great success and we therefore decided to organise business speed networking events on a regular basis, both in Central London and Richmond. For more information, refer to our speed networking FAQs page or speed networking Photo Gallery and Testimonials page.

Speed Networking UK
The Macmillan dictionary describes speed networking as “a method of making a potential business contacts by briefly talking to a series of people at an organised event and exchange contact details”. During a Swiftevents speed networking event you get to talk to up to 30 other business people. Each session lasts normally 4 minutes. At the start of each mini-meeting, one speednetworking delegate talks about his/her business. After 2 minutes, there will be a signal and the other business delegate will then talk for 2 minutes about his/her business. At each speednetworking event we keep a record of each customer’s speednetworking number and Speednetwork group allocation. This will help us to try and make sure that every speednetworking participant who has attended one of our business networking events before will meet as many new potential business contacts as possible at future events. We will endeavour to place these customers strategically at any consecutive speed networking event. Speed networking is an excellent way to generate new business, to help launch new products and services and to boost your brand and company profile. For more information see also our speed networking FAQs page.

Speed Networking Links
We are planning to organise speed networking events in the rest of the UK, speed networking in Birmingham, speed networking in Cardiff, speed networking in Leeds, speed networking in Manchester, speed networking in Basingstoke, speed networking in Southampton, speed networking in Reading, speed networking in Guildford, speed networking in Kingston, Surrey, speed networking in York. We also have links with other business networking organisations, speed networking in America, speed networking in Australia, speed networking in Scotland, and Contact 25, speed networking in Newcastle and the UK largest business networking association the BNI.

Speed Networking Origins
Speed networking, which is also called business speed dating originated in Los Angeles and is modelled on the concept of speed dating. Speed networking events proved to be very effective and were soon not only being held at local business organisations, but also at large international conferences in America, Asia and Europe. For more information, refer to our speed networking FAQs page.